Thursday, February 25, 2010

a little change will do you good

Although part of the crossroads question has been answered, there are many questions remaining. I know there are changes ahead for me. I just don't know exactly what those changes will be. So I have been thinking about change.

Today I was reading change your pew change your perspective by Genikwa Williams ( First, I thought it would be so cool to show up to church and it be so crowded you couldn't sit in your normal spot. Then I found it interesting that she said that she worshipped God with her whole body, because that goes along with the Praise Party lessons we have been using in our children's ministries. But then I thought about a couple in our church. A couple of weeks ago, I received a text which asked me to give them a message. I did not see them in what I thought was their normal spot during the greeting time. When I got to the pulpit for the pastoral prayer, I saw them on the other side of the church. I later mentioned this to another member, who responded something along the lines of: "Oh they move around from spot to spot so they can pray for each section."

I will miss people like that when I am moved to another church. But being reminded that sometimes we have to move to let God move in us is confirmation that moving is the right thing to do.

So I stand in the crossroads knowing that I will be taking a different road and I wait to see which road it is.