Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter Miracles.

I have now had a week to step away from the busyness of Holy Week and school prep. Several friends asked how some of the special worship events went. I was very pleased with how well things turned out. Despite many obstacles and setbacks, both the Good Friday passion mime and the Easter morning Arise My Love came together wonderfully. The cast and crew all did well. The congregation found them to be very meaningful. All of this was a surprise to several people. We never had the entire cast at a rehearsal until just a few days before the event. Scheduling conflicts and illnesses caused us to change tech crew several times, even up to the night of the worship. But everything came together.

Another Easter miracle was that I actually got up and made it to the sunrise service (to freeze my butt off). Anyone who knows me will realize that this was a major feat. I am not a morning person.

A nice Easter miracle was that all of my siblings were at my parents' house for lunch and everything was pleasant. Now this is not entirely unusual. That used to always be the case. But in the past few years some tension had developed and family drama emerged. There have been some changes and things may be back to normal. We all were together at Christmas and it was peaceful. But last week when we had Easter lunch, it was actually like old times. Perhaps some of my family relations have been through their time and crucifixion and are entering into resurrection.

I have a close friend who is currently going through a stressful and difficult time. He feels beaten down by family drama. I hope by knowing that my daughter and brother have been friendly to each other to the point that Alicia said John is like a different person, my friend can hold on to some hope for another Easter miracle. Remember that you must go through the crucifixion to get to resurrection. Things may seem dark now, but think how much brighter the light seems when you go through the darkness. Do not give up hope.

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