Tuesday, October 6, 2009

many thoughts, but so little time to blog

i must admit that after having another pastor "tattle" to someone about my blog and my comments on a friends blog, i have been hesitant to post my most honest thoughts. this cautiousness, coupled with a busy schedule, has kept me from sharing my thoughts with you.

so why do i have so little time? what is so different in the last year or so that i cannot find time to complete baby blankets i started making? or find time to practice the guitar? how do other people have time to play farmville and farm town and mafia wars and yoville and all the other games on fb when i can barely find the time to update my status and read those of my friends? don't i have the same 24 hours that everyone else has?

in a recent class, we had a pretend wesleyan class meeting. when it came time to confess my sin (an optional part of the experiment), i first confessed that i would have never been allowed to be a part of john wesley's class society because being punctual was a requirement. then i confessed that i am not a good steward of the time with with i have been blessed. so my prayer is that i can be disciplined enough to use my time wisely. i guess you better pray for me too because i should actually be working right now and instead i am posting on my blog.

so i will sign off for now to go try to accomplish something with my time.

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