Sunday, November 18, 2007

Life is too short to be miserable all the time

Since we are in a hurry for it to be Christmas, I will take the liberty of having year-end reflection before the end of the year.

The last year has been full of changes. Church changes. Losses of loved ones due to death or relocation. Marriages. Births. Divorces. Many changes.

Just this weekend I was reflecting on how fragile life is. The news this weekend has been of the outbreak of violence - a deadly weekend - in our metro area. The family of one victim commented about how quickly life changes. Several times a week I drive past the site of a recent car accident that took 4 lives, one of which was close to our family. Four young people who thought they had many years ahead of them. Four families who had plans for the future. Thought they had time to work out details. Thought they had time to say or do things that had gone unsaid or undone. But in how quickly that changes.

Death is not the only sad change. Over the weekend I learned of of several people who have decided to divorce. Some of them a have been married over 20 years. Some couples should probably try to work things out. Some of them probably should have divorced a long time ago.

Which brings me to my point. At the risk of sounding too cliche, life is short. Each minute is a blessing. And the moments we waste being angry, depressed, worried, hateful or sad cannot be regained. My friends who are experiencing marital problems - if you can find a way to work things out and be happy, work hard to rekindle the love that brought you together in the first place. If you are constantly hateful to each other, miserable all the time and only feel resentment rather than love - why do you stay together? To my friends who hate their jobs - should you look for a new job? Or maybe a complete change of careers? To my friends who are not happy at their church - have you prayed about the situation? Is there something you can do about the situation? Have you considered if you are in the right place?

Life is too short to be miserable. Evaluate your situation. What can you do to improve your circumstances? Don't just sit around and whine, moan and bitch about the situation. Take action. Do what you can to make your life better.

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