Friday, November 30, 2007

The Rumor Mill

Hmmmm... From what choir tour is that song? Wish I could remember the words. Might be relevant now.

Anyway - I have been amused at all of the speculation of what coach is going where. So many news reports and blogs from "credible sources," but all with conflicting information.

It reminds me of any time there is a partners' meeting at the law firm. Whether it is an official scheduled meeting or just at least two partners talking in an office, someone will speculate that something big is going down. Ironically, usually when it is something really big, we never had a clue.

Churches are no different. People think they should be. They hope they would be. Wish they could be. But churches are full of people. And people talk and make assumptions and jump to conclusions.

Whether it is in the sports world, an office or life in general, some people can get all worked up jumping to conclusions. And often it is difficult to sort through all of the crap and figure out what is real. To be honest, I only bother when I think it might be really important. Eventually the truth comes out. Why bother listening to rumors and investigating information if I have no control or cannot contribute?

Do I have any influence in hiring coaches? Do I have any control over end-of-the-year financial decisions at a business? Is it up to me to determine who is really needy or not when trying to help people at Christmas? Do I need to know how each member of the congregation feels about female clergy? Can I truly know anyone else's heart?

Just reflecting. I made a commitment earlier this year to try not to get involved in rumors. Try not to talk bad about others. Trying to live by the example of a few fine men who died earlier this year - inspired by the words spoken at their funerals - I wanted someone to be able to say that I never spoke a bad word of anyone. (So I have to outlive a lot of my friends who have heard be say not-so-nice things.) Often when we start listening to all of the conflicting stories arising from an issue, we get our blood pressure up and criticize those involved. As we enter Advent, let's pause to think about the important things. Don't get caught up in conflict.

(But I want Tommy T to stay; I like Christmas bonuses; I can only hope that any contribution I give during Christmas drives will help someone who really needs it or will help someone feel loved; and I hope my time in conservative hell will benefit those who need to be more open minded and help me to see where I may need to be open to another way of thinking.)

So what is rumor and what is really news? The Good News is that Advent is here. Time to prepare for Christmas and the reminder of the important News.

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