Wednesday, November 14, 2007

To Be or Not To Be

That is the question. Or one of the questions. Most other pastors I know will tell you that they struggled with accepting a call to be clergy. Some resisted it for a short while. Others ran from it for many years. Then there are those of us who finally accept the call, but constantly question if this is still the right thing. Or question if we are in the right place.

Whether one is clergy or not, it is good to evaluate where we are and consider if we are doing what God would desire for us. Are we using the talents with which God blessed us? Are we doing enough? Or we doing too much? Perhaps we are trying to do so much for the church or our community that we are failing to do God's work efficiently.

It is good to evaluate our obstacles. Are they placed there like speed bumps to slow us down? Are they meant to make us completely stop and turn around? Or are they challenges we are meant to overcome to make us stronger?

Obstacles and frustrations have recently been littering my path. Good friends have been both supportive and challenging. For these friends I am thankful.

Just a thought for the evening.

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