Tuesday, September 30, 2008


What does the title say to you? Some people will read one thing while it will read totally differently to another. both readings would be correct. (although not both statements would be true.)

Did you read GOD IS NOWHERE? You might correctly read that. However, the statement might be more accurate if you read GOD IS NOW HERE.

The point is that we sometimes can look at the same thing, but see totally different things.

My friend Kevin wrote about differences of opinions today. this is certainly a time of year that highlights our differences of opinion. Although we may have these differences all year, it is now that our opinion of Alabama or Auburn (or UAB or LSU or Georgia or Tennessee, etc.) may may be highlighted. With only five weeks until the election, our opinions regarding Obama/Biden or McSame/Pain may be more evident.

I am often disappointed when people of faith cannot lovingly disagree. One reason I cannot listen to Rick & Bubba is that they ridicule and belittle anyone who does not think exactly like they do. I am disappointed when I read a pastor's condescending and judgmental email responses or comments on blogs. It disappoints me when people who claim to be Christians became hateful and disrespectful to those who don't see things they way they do.


We can all look at the same things, but they can mean very different things to us. The important thing is that we recognize that different does not always mean wrong. (but sometimes it does)

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