Sunday, October 19, 2008

team work is the fuel that enables common people to accomplish uncommon things

(or up up and away)

today was laity sunday at church. this is the day the clergy sits in the congregation and lay people handle all aspects of worship. a day to remember that all members are to be ministers. you know - we are all part of the body of christ.

for children's moment jason used his injuries from a motorcycle accident to demonstrate how difficult it is to be truly efficient when part of the body does not function properly. during children's church children had to accomplish tasks with at least one part of their body restricted in some way.

then after church my family went on an adventure. several of us had lunch with my parents. my great-nephews were in town for the weekend. we enjoyed lunch and spent some time visiting. then cathy, katie, calum, braeden, alicia and i went to paws in the park in pell city for an adventure. after waiting in line for almost two hours, we went riding in a hot air balloon. while we waited, we watched a team of 5-6 people get the balloon set up. while we waited, i read the back of a t-shirt on a girl further up the line. "team work: the fuel that enables common people to do uncommon things"

the thought on the t-shirt and the team working to enable us to enjoy the balloon ride made me reflect on the teamwork that should be involved in the body of christ. the church should be able to soar like the balloon if everyone works together.

we had a lot of fun today. worth the wait.

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